Open Telescope (2/11)
2/11 - Open Telescope: Sat, 2/11/23, 6-8pm. Space is big. Come check out the moon, some planets, stars and possibly an entire galaxy with an open 10” telescope. We’ll consider the size, shapes, scales and speeds of all the strange and enormous things overhead, and reconnect to our ancestral skills of orienting by the stars. All ages.
Leapfrog Programs strongly believes in the importance of making our programs affordable and accessible for all. Please use the sliding scale below to select a price that best works for your family’s financial situation and needs.
Payments towards the higher end allow us to offer lower cost tuition to children of families with less resources. If program payment presents a hardship, please get in touch.
Proceeds from these programs support planting and maintenance of public access orchards in communities across Western MA. We thank you for your support.